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Este un grupo promovido por E2GO, empresa especializada en integrar soluciones tecnológicas para la cadena de abastecimiento, incrementar la productividad y optimizar los procesos de negocio de las organizaciones, a través de captura automática de datos, sistemas de distribución dirigida por comandos de voz, RFID (Identificación por Radio Frecuencia), computación móvil, redes inalámbricas, entre otras tecnologías.

El objetivo de este grupo es generar un espacio de construcción colectiva de conocimiento que permita fomentar el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación y desarrollo, como base para procesos de innovación abierta en la gestión de la cadena de suministro.

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Este grupo se crea y sostiene en colaboración con TEAM Ingeniería de Conocimiento y el apoyo de COLCIENCIAS. 

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  • Lightweight, ECC based RFID Authentication Scheme for WLAN

    Este artículo está en acceso libre por un par de días

  • De interés para las personas involucradas en temas de logística y retail

    The 2nd Retail & CPG Executive Summit: Customer 2025

  • The Internet of Things and the potential for RFID
    Raghu Das, CEO, IDTechEx
    RFID was invented seven decades ago, however, 23% of all the RFID tags ever sold were sold in 2013. In 2014, a further 1.12 billion RFID tags will be sold versus the total number of tags sold in 2013. RFID has been trialled and piloted extensively and it is now in rapid adoption mode in many industries, for many applications and is being rolled out in a cookie-cutter approach as the high performance capability versus system cost proves payback.
    Converging with this is the rapidly growing interest in the Internet of Things (IoT), usually meaning powered IP based nodes, often with sensors. The Internet of Things is of great excitement to many of the world's largest consumer electronics companies seeking to leverage the electronics that consumers now carry, providing new valuable capabilities and services.
    RFID will play an important part - namely by addressing the highest volume opportunity where tag price is important. That is why companies such as Google are involved, already having used UHF RFID in the development of glucose sensing contact lenses.
    'With over 10 billion RAIN RFID tags in circulation through this year, and 100 billion tags by 2020, data collection for the IoT is already in full swing.' said Steve Halliday, RAIN president. 'The latest version RAIN tags are able to include encryption and the ability to interface directly with sensors, which will lead to even more implementations of the IoT using RFID.'
    The IDTechEx event Internet of Things Applications, hosted on November 19-20 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in California, addresses the opportunities for the Internet of Things including the role that RFID will play, with a session dedicated to RFID and hosted by the RAIN alliance.
    The event delves into specific market verticals and appraises new enabling technologies, with speakers including AT&T, Adidas, Bayer Healthcare, Belkin, Dolby, GE, Google, Intel, Osram, Samsung and many more. The RAIN RFID session will feature presentations from Smartrac, Feig Electronics, SecureRF Corporation, in addition to the RAIN RFID Alliance President, Steve Halliday. To learn more, see
  • Gestión del riesgo en cadenas suministro

    Muchas más compañías se encuentran ahora en el aumento de riesgo de interrupción de la cadena de suministro. Un estudio reciente realizado por Aon Risk Solutions encontró que, en promedio, el porcentaje de empresas globales que informaron una pérdida de ingresos debido a una interrupción en la cadena de suministro se incrementó de 28% en 2011 al 42% en 2013

    Puede acceder al artículo en este enlace (deberá registrase como usuario de la página del Sloan Management Review y podrá acceder al contenido sin costo)

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El tamaño del mercado para las tecnologías RFID

Tomado de Global RFID market to reach $7.88 billion in 2013 By SCMR Staff November 07, 2013 According to a RFID sector survey by IDTechEx Research, the RFID market will increase from $6.98 billion in 2012 to $7.88 billion, and will reach $23.4 billion in 2020. This includes tags, readers and software/services for RFID cards, labels, fobs and all other form factors for both passive and active RFID. The market for…

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